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時間:2011-04-12來源:西安市第一中學 訪問量:

Welcome To England

I hope the following is useful advice for you.


It is very important to give a gift to your host family. It must be something Chinese. Everyone enjoys gifts from a foreign country. Since you are from Xi’an, a suggestion is something representing the Terracotta Warriors. And when you give the gift, be prepared to explain something about it’s meaning and history.

You will most likely be given some gifts while you are in England. When receiving a gift, it is very important to open it and admire it. For example, no matter what the gift is, you should say, “Thank you so much!, I love it!, you are very kind!” or something similar.

Table Manners

Always thank your host for the meals. Maybe you don’t really like the food much, but you must always say thank you. “Thank you, it’s so delicious.”

Always hold the fork in your left hand and the knife in your right hand.

Never put your elbows on the table. Sit straight.

Never talk if you have food in your mouth.

Never put any food directly on the table and never, never put anything on the floor! Food that you don’t want to eat must stay on your plate!

Bathroom Manners

It is more polite to say bathroom, rather than W.C. For example, “May I use your bathroom, please?”

After you wash your hands, you must dry your hands with paper or a towel. People will think you are very strange if you don’t dry your hands.

You must shower every day.

Impolite Questions

You can ask children or teenagers their age, but it’s rude to ask adults their age.

Never ask someone how much money they make.

Never ask how much their house cost.

Personal Manners

No matter if you are inside or outside, spitting is always considered extremely rude. Do not spit, ever!

You should always cover your mouth if you cough, and also if you yawn.

Never put your finger in your nose. (Don’t pick your nose.) In private it’s ok, but not in front of others.

Always use paper tissues to blow your nose.

Never discard rubbish on the ground, use rubbish bins.

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